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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Big Bandleaders

The Big Bandleaders were bandleaders, musicians, composers and songwriters. Each bandleader played his own instrument along with his band.

The Big Band Leaders
Van Alexander                   Al Donahue                 Jack Jenney                     Victor Young
Bert Ambrose                    Jimmy Dorsey              Gordon Jenkins               Bob Zurk
Ray Anthony                     Tommy Dorsey             Henry Jerome                 Isham Jones
Harry Arnold                     Eddie Duchin                Tony Pastor                   Spike Jones
Louis Armstrong                Duke Ellington              Ben Pollack                    Dick Jurgens
Bob Astor                         Ziggy Elman                  Boyd Raeburn                Roger Wolf Kahn
Count Basie                       Shep Fields                  Leo Reisman                  Jean Kardos
Charlie Barnet                   Chuck Foster               Joe Reichman                 Sammy Kaye
Blue Barron                       Lowell Fulson              Alvino Rey                     Hal Kemp
tony Barron                       Jan Garber                  Tommy Reynolds            Henry King
Don Bestar                       Johnny Gibbs               Fred Rich                       Wayne King
Bunny Berigan                  Carroll Gibbons            Mike Riley                     Andy Kirk
David Berger                    Dizzy Gillespie             Ted Flo Rito                   Benny Krueger
Vic Bertan                        Benny Goodman         Adrian Rollini                  Gene Krupa
 Ted Black                       Jean Goldkette             Vincent Rose                 Kay Kyser
Will Bradley                     Gray Gordon               Jan Savitt                       Elliot Lawrence
Randy Brooks                  Johnny Green              Ben Selvin                      Sam Lenin
Les Brown                       Jimmie Grier                Artie Shaw                     Guy Lombardo
Willie Bryant                    George Hall                 Raymond Scott              Vincent Lopez
Sonny Burke                    Mal Hallet                   Jack Shilkret                  Bert Lown
Henry Busse                    Coleman Hawkins        Lew Stone                    Abe Lyman
Billy Butterfield                Erskine Hawkins          Jack Teagarden
Bobby Byrne                   Johnny Hamp              Claude Thornhill
Cab Calloway                 Lionel Hampton           Frank Trumbauer
Russ Case                       Lennie Hayton             Orrin Tucker
Frankie Carle                  Horace Heidt               Tommy Tucker
Carmen Cavallero           Fletcher Henderson      Joe Venuti
Bob Chester                   Ray Herbeck               Fred Waring
Reggie Childs                 Tiny Hill                       Lawrence Welk
Larry Clinton                  Richard Himber           Paul Weston
Emil Coleman                 Claude Hopkins          Paul Whiteman
Xavier Cugat                  Dean Hudson             Jay Wilbur
Frank Daily                    Jack Hylton                Teddy Wilson
Meyer Davis                  Harry James               Ben Young

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hello Everyone my name is Sidney Davis I am the creator of the blog's.  I am a big fan of the Big band Era and I have said I am a DJ on I have changed  my URL to As a DJ I play Big Band Music including Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Jimmy Dorsey, Guy Lombardo, Duke Ellinton, Count Basie, Carmen Cavallero, Xavier Cugat, Cab Calloway, Lionel Hampton, Leo Reichman, Larry Clinton, Alvino Rey, Les Brown, Chick Webb, Benny Goodman, Benny Carter and many more.
As a DJ I try to very my music so that it's more delightful.

Writteh by Sidney Davis

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sid's Big Band Era News

Big Band was in its glory in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's until the end of WWII. Then in the 1950's a new brand of music came out called Rock & Roll. Tommy Dorsey introduced a young man Elvis Presley who took the world by storm. Elvis became very popular and his music wooed the young girls. Elvis was known as the King of Rock & roll.
Presley, wearing a tight black leather jacket with upturned collar, black leather wristbands, and black leather pants, holds a microphone with a long cord. His hair, which looks black as well, falls across his forehead. In front of him is an empty microphone stand. Behind, beginning below stage level and rising up, audience members watch him. A young woman with long black hair in the front row gazes up ecstatically.   Elvis Presley
Birth Name: Elvis Aaron Presley
Born:  January 8, 1935, Tupelo, Mississippi, US
Died: August 16, 1977 age 42, Memphis, Tennessee, US
Genre: Rock & Roll, Pop, Rockabilly, Country, Blues, Gospel, R&B
Occupations: Musician, Actor
Instruments: Vocals, Guitar, Piano
Years Active: 1953 to 1977
Labels: Sun, RCA Victor
Associated Acts: The Blue Moon Boys, The Jordanaires, The Imperials

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My News

Benny Goodman - sing, Sing, Sing

Hello to all of you who enjoy Big Band, Jazz, Blues and Etc.
Big Band was the main stay of the 1899 to the 1970. Mostly during the WWII Era when the Big Bands were going at top speed to give people a place to relax and get their minds off the War. By the 1950's most of the big bands were loosing people, because there was new music coming out called Rock and Roll which was drawing big crowds of people. The Big Bands were dying out and by the 1970's there were no Big Bands. Benny Goodman lasted until his death in 1986.